Awards and Press
Here is an extract of our awards and press articles about the winery.
"The three chardonnays (...) are game-changing wines for this grape in Germany."
Score 97 2019 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay “super-elegant and super-focused on the very concentrated palate”
Score 95 2019 Roter Berg Kenzingen Chardonnay “the chalky freshness [is] lifting the generous body very neatly”
Score 95 2019 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay “Smells and tastes like a perfectly ripe Amalfi lemon, but with a subtle, flinty undertone.”
Score 96 2019 Schlossberg Achkarren Grauburgunder “subtle spiciness, (…) never before encountered in wines of this category”
Score 95 2019 Sommerhalde Bombach Grauburgunder “super-long and very clean, chalky finish”
Score 95 2019 Schlossberg Staufen Weissburgunder “stunning interplay of vanilla oak with cool white-peach and sliced-pear character”
Decanter World Wine Awards 2024
97 Punkte, Platinum 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder Bester Spätburgunder Deutschlands
95 Punkte, Gold 2021 Sommerhalde Bombach Spätburgunder
95 Punkte, Gold 2021 Roter Berg Kenzingen Spätburgunder
“Der Spiegel”
2022 Spätburgunder Gutswein als einen von "Acht Weine für
unter 15 Euro, die Sie kennen müssen" besonders empfohlen.
Kirschbaumholz, Rauch, Karamell, gerösteter Mandel.
Am Gaumen außerdem etwas Kakao und Herbstlaub.
Frische Säure und mittleres Tannin halten das Ganze in Form.
Dicht, verwöhnerisch, unglaubliche Einstiegsqualität.”
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
“Sein Rosé FW bekommt auch Anteile von Merlot und Syrah hinzu und wird so zu einem faszinierenden, fast schon mediterranen Wein, der nicht nur viel Erdbeer- und Cranberry-Frucht bietet, sondern mit Kamille-Tönen und einer gewissen Salzigkeit auch ein guter, nicht zu süffiger Essensbegleiter ist.”
Feinschmecker 2024
wurden wir erneut mit 4 1/2 F ausgezeichnet!
“Bei den Spätburgundern waren wir begeistert davon, wie sehr die Frucht strahlt – eine beeindruckend klare, konzentrierte Aromatik! Gleichzeitig brillieren sie mit Schliff und Eleganz, vor allem bei den Vertretern vom Roten Berg und der Sommerhalde.”
Vinum 2022
3 wines in the TOP TEN
96 points (95-96 points for outstanding wines, which are rare) 2019 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder – TOP TEN – belongs to the best wines of this vintage
95 points 2019 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Cabernet Franc – TOP TEN
94 points 2019 Schlossberg Schkarren Syrah – TOP TEN
German summit. Winery with international reputation.
James Suckling 2024
We are delighted to receive these great awards from James Suckling:
Score 95 2021 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay
Score 95 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay
Score 95 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Weißer Burgunder
Score 94 2021 Schlossberg Staufen Weißer Burgunder
Score 94 2021 Sommerhalde Bombach Weißer Burgunder
Score 94 2021 Roter Berg Kenzingen Chardonnay
Score 90 2020 Chardonnay Réserve
Score 89 2022 Chardonnay
eichelmann 2022
"(...) the Pinot Noir series impresses once again."
94 points 2019 Sommerhalde Bombach Pinot Noir “pure (…), enormously powerful, precise, structured, still very youthful”.
93 points 2019 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder “very discreet chocolate (…), has opulence, power and tannins”
Gault & Millau Weinguide 2024
Bewertung Weingut
4 rote Trauben = nationale Spitze
Bewertung Weine
5 schwarze Trauben = Weltspitze
2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay
2021 Sommerhalde Bombach Spätburgunder
2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder
4 rote Trauben = nationale Spitze
2021 Schlossberg Staufen Weißer Burgunder
2021 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay
2021 Sommerhalde Bombach Weißer Burgunder
2021 Roter Berg Kenzingen Chardonnay
2021 Roter Berg Kenzingen Spätburgunder
2021 Spätburgunder “XXL”
2021 Spätburgunder “CCL”
falstaff WEIN GUIDE 2024
Wir freuen uns über Top Bewertungen des Jahrgangs 2021!
“…mit cremigen Weißweinen und Roten von großem Reifepotenzial eine Spitzenposition unter den badischen Winzern. …. So kommt eine beeindruckende Kollektion an 2021ern zustande – mit Spitzen vom Herbolzheimer Kaiserberg”
94 Punkte 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder
93+ Punkte 2021 Sommerhalde Bombach Grauer Burgunder
93+ Punkte 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay
93 Punkte 2021 Roter Berg Kenzingen Spätburgunder
93 Punkte 2021 Sommerhalde Bombach Weißer Burgunder
93 Punkte 2021 Schlossberg Achkarren Grauer Burgunder
Wir möchten auch den falstaff-Tipp hervorheben: 91 Punkte für unseren 2021 Spätburgunder “Alte Reben”
Falstaff 2022
"Fritz Waßmer is known for a wine style that goes all out."
All single site wines were rated with more than 91 points. We are very proud of the 93+ points for our 2019 Herbolzheim Kaiserberg Chardonnay!
We are also pleased to receive very good ratings for our premium wines:
90 points 2019 “Réserve” Pinot Blanc
92+ points 2019 “XXL” Pinot Noir
91 points 2019 “Old Vines” Pinot Noir
VINUM Weinguide 2024
Wir freuen uns über die Top Bewertungen von vier Weinen unter den TOP 10!
TOP TEN 4. Platz Weiße Burgunder 2018: 94 Punkte 2018 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay
TOP TEN 4. Platz Chardonnay: 95 Punkte 2021 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay
TOP TEN 4. Platz Weiße Burgundersorten: 94 Punkte 2021 Schlossberg Achkarren Grauer Burgunder
TOP TEN 5. Platz Spätburgunder: 95 Punkte 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder
"A Burgundy center of excellence that plays all the pieces".
Our 2018 Sommerhalde Bombach Grauer Burgunder is awarded as one of the best 150 wines of Germany.
“This Pinot Gris stands on several pillars (…): the wood with vanilla notes (…), alongside ripe yellow fruits [and] some lemon.”
Top 100 Wines of Germany 2021
Score 96 2018 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay
“This stunning wine proves chardonnay has a great future in Germany.”
“Breathtaking intensity and mineral freshness at the super-long finish.”
Deutscher Rotweinpreis VINUM
Wir freuen uns über den 1. Platz in der Kategorie “Cabernet Familie”!
2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Cabernet Franc
Eichelmann 2024
"Hervorragendes Weingut"
Wir freuen uns über 4 Sterne!
92 Punkte 2016 Schlossberg Staufen Weißer Burgunder
92 Punkte 2018 Sommerhalde Bombach Grauer Burgunder
92 Punkte 2021 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder
Best in Show: Our Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay 2018!
The results of the Decanter World Wine Awards are in! This year we are especially proud of the highest of all awards, “Best in Show” for our Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay 2018 with 97 points!
Feinschmecker 2023
“Die 2019er Kollektion von Fritz Waßmer hat uns hingerissen, und zwar weiß wie rot. So viel Sauberkerkeit, Präzision, Eindeutigkeit findet man nicht überall. […] Eine hochklassige Spezialität sind die Chardonnays vom Roten Berg und vom Kaiserberg, die trotz malolaktischer Gärung eine gute Säure besitzen und nicht buttrig sind.
Auch die Spätburgunder sind immer von einer feinen Säureader durchzogen. Der Rote Berg ist ein Kraftpaket mit Finesse, die Sommerhalde erdiger und pfeffriger, der CCL samtig und transparent. Das i-Tüpfelchen ist der Kasierberg, der bei aller Fülle und Tiefe leicht über den Gaumen läuft.”
95 points for our Chardonnay Auslese 2012 and our Schlossberg Staufen Weißer Burgunder 2018
Excellent ratings at the Cup der Gourmetwelten for our wines!
Our Chardonnay Auslese 2012 took 5th place in the category “Auslese” with 95 points, in the “Lagen Cup” we are represented by our Schlossberg Staufen Weißer Burgunder 2018 with 95 points in 10th place, directly followed by our Sommerhalde Bombach Weißer Burgunder 2018 in 11th place with 94 points!
Best Pinot Noir of the 2016 vintage: Our Roter Berg Kenzingen Pinot Noir 2016!
At the LagenCup 2021, our Roter Berg Kenzingen Spätburgunder 2016 was awarded 95 points and is the best Spätburgunder of the 2016 vintage!
James Suckling 2023
We are delighted to receive these great awards from James Suckling:
Score 98 2020 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay„This is exactly what many people expect from great white Burgundy! – is one of the first really world-class chardonnays made in Germany”
Score 97 2020 Schlossberg Staufen Weissburgunder „You could easily mistake this game-changing dry pinot blanc from Germany’s far south for a Montrachet Grand Cru thanks to its astonishing balance of great concentration, super-fine tannins and mind blow minerality.”
Score 97 2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay „ Anyone who doubts German’s ability to produce great Chardonnay schould taste this beauty that precisely balances richness with elegance, minerality with concentrated and delicate candied citrus fruit.”
Score 96 2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Weissburgunder „ At once very mineral and dangerously fresh, this dry pinot blanc smashes the mould for this grape.”
Score 96 2020 Sommerhalde Bombach Spätburgunder „The generous fruits rouge character and silkiness on the precisely balanced palate make this a very sensual pinot noir that requires no experience to fully enjoy.”
Score 95 2020 Sommerhalde Bombach Weissburgunder „Although this is still very youthful, the ripeness of the pear and citrus aromas is immediately obvious. Beautifully integrated toasty character and fine tannins plus an elegant acidity give this wonderful balance on the generous palate.
Score 95 2020 Roter Berg Kenzingen Chardonnay „A stunning elegant chardonnay with stacks of lemon curd, candied citrus and vanilla brioche character.”
Score 94 2020 Roter Berg Kenzingen Spätburgunder “Wild berries and very spicy, this bright, medium-bodied pinot noir has an uplifting balance of restrained fine tannins and lively acidity.
4 Grape Bunches
„German Summit“
5 Grape Bunches Sommerhalde Bombach Spätburgunder 2018
4 Grape Bunches Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder 2018
4 Grape Bunches Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay 2018
our 2018 Gutswein Spätburgunder is one of the best german red wines under 10 euros!
Vinum 2023
Winzer des Jahres, 4,5 Sterne und 5 Weinen unter den Top Ten!
Wir freuen uns über die Top Bewertungen für den 2020er Jahrgang und die Auszeichnung zum Winzer des Jahres (Baden)!
TOP TEN 1. Platz “Andere Rotweine”: 95 Punkte 2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Cabernet Franc
TOP TEN 2. Platz Weiße Burgundersorten: 96 Punkte 2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay
TOP TEN 5. Platz Weiße Burgundersorten: 95 Punkte 2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Weißer Burgunder
TOP TEN 5. Platz “Andere Rotweine”: 94 Punkte 2020 Schlossberg Achkarren Syrah
TOP TEN 8. Platz “Andere Rotweine”: 93 Punkte 2020 Schlossberg Staufen Cabernet Sauvignon
95 Punkte 2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder
Falstaff 2023
"Die besten Roten wetteifern mit den Grand Crus aus dem Burgund"
Top Bewertungen – und tolle Weinbeschreibungen!
95 Punkte Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder
94+ Punkte Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay
93+ Punkte Roter Berg Kenzingen Spätburgunder
“Wir möchten aber auch das Scheinwerferlicht auf den Basis-Pinot richten: So viel Burgunder für 9,80 Euro, das ist ein – vorsichtig formuliert – ziemlich attraktives Angebot”
Deutscher Rotweinpreis VINUM
Wir freuen uns über den 1. UND 2. Platz in der Kategorie “Cabernet Familie”!
1 Platz: 2019 Schlossberg Staufen Cabernet Sauvignon
2. Platz: 2019 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Cabernet Franc
Gault&Millau 2023
In der diesjährigen Ausgabe des Gault&Millau wurden einige unserer Weine mit mindestens 4 Trauben bewertet. Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl der Bewertungen:
5 schwarze Trauben
2018 Sommerhalde Bombach Spätburgunder
4 rote Trauben
2020 Kaiserberg herbolzheim Chardonnay
2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder
4 schwarze Trauben
2020 Schlossberg Staufen Weißer Burgunder
2020 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay
2020 Sommerhalde Bombach Grauer Burgunder
2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzeim Weißer Burgunder
2020 Kaiserberg Herbolzeim Weißer Burgunder
2020 Spätburgunder “CCL”
2020 Sommerhalde Bombach Spätburgunder
Eichelmann 2023
"Starke Kollektion"
4 Sterne
“Starke Kollektion”
Decanter World Wine Awards 2022
96 Punkte, Gold 2019 Sommerhalde Bombach Spätburgunder
95 Punkte, Gold 2019 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay
95 Punkte, Gold 2019 Sommerhalde Bombach Grauer Burgunder
90 Punkte, Silber 2019 Spätburgunder
90 Punkte, Silber 2019 Chardonnay Réserve
4 Stars
„An estate that is known for consistent excellence, and whose stylistic orientation is highly regarded both at home and abroad”
All wines received at least 90 and more points!
Falstaff-Tip: 2018 Spätburgunder Gutswein
“90 points 2018 Spätburgunder trocken
Medium ruby in the glass. A classic aromatic profile of the of raspberry, smoke, strawberry and hibiscus on the nose. These aromas are also found on the palate, a medium medium body, recognisable structure, ripe tannin, balancing acidity and a good finish.”
4 Stars
„Outstanding Producer“
93 points Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder 2018
92 points Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay 2018
92 points Sommerhalde Bombach Spätburgunder 2018
4 Stars
„German elite. Winery with international reputation”
94 points Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Chardonnay 2018
92 points Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Spätburgunder 2018
92 points Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay 2018
Serhat Aktas
LAGENCUP Weiß 2020 – Germany’s best white wines were chosen. We are delighted to have been awarded the Baden Regional Winner and the Best Pinot Gris of the Year 2017:
Best Pinot Gris 2017
2017 Achkarrer Schlossberg, Grauburgunder, Weingut Fritz Waßmer, BADEN
“The darkest volcanic soils in the Achkarrer Schlossberg can heat up so much in summer that you could fry fried eggs on them. When Germany was still one of the wine-growing countries with rather cool weather, the Schlossberg was a bank for ripe grapes. But as the weather warms up, it is now simply too hot for some varieties. Since the sugar levels of Pinot Gris can quickly go through the roof at the right temperatures and for the right length of time in the sun, the vintner has to be extremely careful when working with the foliage. This not only protects the grapes from sunburn, but also delays the ripening of the grapes. Every year, this has to be carefully weighed up. Fritz Waßmer’s Pinot Gris from the Schlossberg is certainly no lightweight, which is all the more pleasing since there are already more than enough Pinot Grigio plagiarisms in this country. When the jury noted “some caramel spice, candied fruit and smoke”, it can be assumed that the ageing in small French oak barrels played a decisive role. “It’s not sweet, but it’s excellently made. Where is the veal in morel cream?” one taster wondered and immediately gave the Schlossberg a food recommendation. Because without an accompaniment, it will probably quickly become lonely. (93 points)”
Pleasure blogger Sophie Hummel and Alfons Schuhbeck in conversation
"A magic wine from Baden"
“Baden’s ambassador of indulgence brought along one of her favourite wines from the Baden winery, Fritz Waßmer, to the famed chef, Alfons Schuhbeck. Due to its low sugar content this Pinot Gris is a really magical wine – and it can be enjoyed even when on a diet. Matching the motto of the day: enjoyment without sacrifice. Cheers!”
4 stars
“German elite. Winery with international reputation”
All wines from individual sites achieve ratings from 90 to 92 points.
“Yet again, this year the Kaiserberg [Pinot Noir] shows off all its potential: wonderful scents of black cherry and elderberry, smoky notes, classic Burgundy impression.”
"Fritz Wassmer - fruit, veg and big wines"
Michael Schmidt writes about Fritz Wassmer and the passion of making big wines.
4 stars
"Excellent producer"
All red wines from individual sites rated from 90 – 93 points.
“At the top [of the Pinot Noir rankings] is, as last year, the Kaiserberg which combines elegance, density, complexity and a powerful-salty finish.”
4 stars
"The winery is continuously known for excellence and [its] stylistic orientation is highly regarded at home and abroad"
11 of the 12 evaluated wines were rated above 90 points.
Falstaff Tip: 2017 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay: “Very elegant woody notes, much piquancy already in the nose [and] a lot of substance, with little alcohol. A high-quality companion for classic cuisine.”
Decanter World Wine Awards
97 Punkte, Platinum Medaille für 2016 Sommerhalde Bombach Spätburgunder
Opulent, pretty aromas of black cherry, lifted violet, plush raspberry and cocoa lead through to a palate graced with sour cherry, clove, liquorice, red plum and all underpinned with a hint of dark spice.
4 grapes
“German elite“
The Pinot Noir from the single site of Sommerhalde Bombach is rated with 95 points. From the vineyard Kaiserberg Herbolzheim, it is rated with 96 points: “Outstanding. Exceptional wines of the highest harmony, independence, complexity, finesse and elegance. Made for maturity.”
8 of the 11 wines evaluated received a score between 90-94: “Excellent. Impressive wines with great complexity and depth, pronounced typicity and very good ageing potential”.
4 stars
”Excellent producer“
All red wines from individual sites achieved ratings from 91 – 92 points
2016 Sommerhalde Bombach Spätburgunder earned 92 points and was described as “…showing smoky notes, fine toast, some spice, it is clear, precise and powerful with ripe fruit.”
4 grapes
“German elite“
2016 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir and 2016 Pinot Noir “CCL” received 95 points. 11 of the 12 tasted wines were rated with 91 – 95 points
4 stars
“German elite. Winery with international reputation“
All wines from individual sites earned ratings from 90 to 93 points.
2016 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir, achieved 93 points: “The Kaiserberg from Herbolzheim is a Pinot Noir of international quality, with a viscosity in the mouth hardly known until now. […] This wine remains in the mouth for an eternity, with never-ending sweetness, freshness and transparency at the same time.”
The Grand Wine Award for German Wines
2015 Pinot Noir “Alte Reben” received the gold medal.
The Pinot Noir “Alte Reben” 2015 was the only Pinot Noir from Baden to be awarded gold!
We are also delighted to be awarded silver medals for Pinot Noir “XXL” 2015 and Sauvignon Blanc 2018!
4 stars
The winery “is continuously known for excellence and its stylistic orientation is highly regarded at home and abroad"
All wines received ratings between 91 and 95 points.
2016 Kaiserberg Herbolzheim Pinot Noir achieved 95 points: “Dark fruit, glaze, great aptitude, now already a pleasure: juice, strength and smoothness.”
Decanter World Wine Awards
97 points, Platinum medal for 2015 Pinot Noir "Alte Reben"
“A complex nose of dark berries, Morello cherries, hints of chocolate and roasting aromas. The purity of Pinot Noir shines through and there is a nice firm structure behind the ripe tannins. Great ageing potential”.
Decanter World Wine Awards
96 points, Gold medal for 2015 Pinot Noir “XXL“
Decanter World Wine Awards
95 points, Gold medal for 2015 Schlossberg Staufen Chardonnay
Deutscher Rotweinpreis / German Red Wine Award
1st place Roter Berg Kenzingen Merlot
Cover story - Sauvignon Blanc
2nd place Top Ten French Factor
“The Sauvignon Blanc from Fritz Waßmer was felt to be particularly “French”.
Breisgau, where Waßmer has his vineyards, is indeed not far from the neighbouring country. “Flintstone notes like a Sancerre” was certified by one taster for the 2015 vintage that was aged in stainless steel, while a second taster described it as “stony”.”
Deutscher Rotweinpreis / German Red Wine Award
Awarded the “Roter Riesen“
For his superb life-time achievement and the consistency in the quality of his red wine collections, Fritz Waßmer is awarded the special prize of the “Roter Riese” at the Vinum award ceremony in Fellbach.
Syrah tasting
Syrah 2012 rated as best German Syrah
“A wine like a spice rack – especially for Christmas biscuits. Lilac, clove, orange, liquorice, pepper and juniper, among others, along with greener notes like eucalyptus and ivy. All added to fresh red fruits (lots of red currants), a very nice structure and acidity”.
Deutscher Rotweinpreis / German Red Wine Award
1st place Syrah 2012
Winery of the Year
Decanter World Wine Awards
International Trophy, Pinot Noir “XXL“ 2009
“Raspberries, wild herbs, sweet spices – fragrant and luscious with a crisp but soft mouthfeel. Delicate, long and graceful with excellent length and a fine texture. Bridesmaid last year with his 2007 vintage, Fritz Waßmer has this time clinched this International trophy with his most recent release – a stunning triumph not just for him personally, but for Baden and Germany as a whole.“
Decanter World Wine Awards
Regional Trophy, Pinot Noir “XXL“ 2007
Deutscher Rotweinpreis / German Red Wine Award
1st place Syrah 2007
2 grapes
Discovery of the Year 2005
“The 2001 red wines were already very good. Now, the quality of the 2002s is so convincing that we have elected Fritz Wassmer as our “Discovery of the Year 2005”.”
Deutscher Rotweinpreis / German Red Wine Award
1st place Syrah 2003
Deutscher Rotweinpreis / German Red Wine Award
2nd place Pinot Noir “Alte Reben“ 2001